Perfect Blue
"Perfect Blue" starts with CHAM! - a J-pop idol group that has been on stage for a solid two years. But all good things must eventually come to an end: Mima Kirigoe, one of CHAM!'s members, decides it's time to chase her acting dreams and says farewell to the group. It's a big step, and she hopes her fans will support her new journey.
Now, life after CHAM! isn't exactly a cakewalk for Mima. She's determined to ditch her pop-idol image, so she takes up acting in a crime drama series. However, acting is serious business; the pressure starts piling up, leaving Mima and her manager, Rumi Hidaka, with a lot on their plates.
But that's not all. An obsessed fan just can't accept that Mima is moving on, and things take a creepy turn. On top of that, there's a mysterious website that's popping up, spilling all kinds of private stuff about Mima's life.
With every unsettling twist that comes her way, Mima starts questioning what's real and what's just a wild illusion. It's a rollercoaster ride of suspense, and you can't help but get pulled into her mind-bending journey in "Perfect Blue."
Release: 1998
MyAnimeList Score: 8.54/10