Pete's Dragon
"Pete's Dragon" (2016) follows the heartwarming and magical tale of a young boy named Pete who finds an unlikely friend and protector in a dragon named Elliot. After a tragic car accident claims the lives of Pete's parents, the young boy becomes lost in the forest and is rescued by Elliot, an enormous green dragon with the ability to turn invisible. Over the course of six years, Pete and Elliot form a deep and unbreakable bond, living together in the hidden depths of the forest.
One day, a forest ranger named Grace discovers Pete and takes him back to the nearby town of Millhaven. There, Pete tries to adjust to human civilization but struggles to find his place in the world without his dragon companion. Despite the kindness of Grace and her family, Pete is determined to return to the forest to reunite with Elliot.
"Pete's Dragon" is a delightful reimagining of the classic Disney film from 1977. This modern version seamlessly blends live-action with stunning CGI to bring Elliot the dragon to life in a way that feels both realistic and whimsical. With stunning visual effects, it manages to evoke a sense of wonder and nostalgia, while also delivering a fresh and contemporary take on the timeless story.
Release: 2016
Stars: Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Redford, Oakes Fegley
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 88%