Pexels prides itself on curating a diverse and ever-expanding collection of images and videos sourced from talented photographers and videographers worldwide. The website hosts over a million free stock photos and videos, covering a wide range of themes and styles to cater to various creative needs. Whether you're looking for nature landscapes, stunning portraits, urban cityscapes, or dynamic videos, Pexels has it all.
Each image and video undergoes a meticulous review process to ensure only the best content makes it to the platform. This commitment to excellence ensures that users can find professional-grade visuals that meet their standards.
The intuitive search function allows you to find specific images or videos by keywords, and you can further refine your search by selecting the desired media type, orientation, color, or even by popular tags. Pexels also provides curated collections that gather related images and videos, making it easier to discover new and inspiring content.
All media on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license, which means you can use, modify, and distribute the content, even for commercial purposes, without requiring attribution. This opens up a world of possibilities for businesses, content creators, and individuals seeking eye-catching visuals for their projects.
In addition to its vast collection of images and videos, Pexels also provides an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows developers to integrate the platform's content directly into their applications or websites. This seamless integration enables easy access to Pexels' library of media, enhancing the creative potential of various digital platforms.