Phap Hoa Temple

top 7
Huyền Trân

Phap Hoa Temple is a Vietnamese Buddhist temple located in Kansas City, Missouri. The temple is home to a community of Vietnamese Buddhists who practice Theravada Buddhism.

The temple offers a variety of activities and programs for Buddhists of all ages and interests. There are weekly services, monthly retreats, and special events throughout the year, such as Buddha's Birthday, Vu Lan (Commemoration of the Departed), and other holidays.

Phap Hoa Temple is a welcoming community. The temple's members are from all walks of life, and they are united by their shared commitment to Buddhist teachings. The temple offers a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of all members, including meditation classes, Dharma talks, and cultural events.

If you are searching for a Buddhist temple in Kansas City, Phap Hoa Temple comes highly recommended. It is a peaceful sanctuary that fosters a sense of community, particularly within the Vietnamese population.

Phone: 8608 966 999


Email: N.A

Address: 1001 Bales Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127, United States

Photo by Non kittitham on (
Photo by Non kittitham on (
Photo by Piya Nimityongskul on (
Photo by Piya Nimityongskul on (

Top 7 Best Buddhist Temples in Kansas City

  1. top 1 Temple Buddhist Center
  2. top 2 Rime Buddhist Center
  3. top 3 Pho Hien Temple
  4. top 4 Soka Gakkai International
  5. top 5 Quan Am Temple
  6. top 6 Tu Bi Temple
  7. top 7 Phap Hoa Temple

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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