Pixar Animation Studios (Pixar) is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California. Pixar is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney. Pixar began as a graphics group under Lucasfilm's computer division in 1979, before separating into its own company in 1986 with the help of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the company's majority shareholder. In 2006, the Walt Disney Company paid $7.4 billion for Pixar, becoming Jobs Disney's largest shareholder. The studio's mascot is Luxo Jr., a figure from Pixar's first animated picture, Luxo Jr.
Pixar is a great example of how innovation generates success. The studio has been able to develop characters that we have all grown to love for decades. Pixar has succeeded in telling stories that appeal to people of all ages, not only children. Pixar, dubbed the "Witch of Emotions," creates true masterpieces for children's films, but adults can't help but appreciate them as well. That's why, with Up (2009) and Toy Story 3 (2010), Pixar made its mark on history when it became 2 out of 3 animated films nominated in the best feature film category.
At the Oscars 2021, Pixar was once again named with the animated film Soul, which received 11/15 Oscar nominations in the animated film category, almost building up an "Oscar animation empire".
Headquarters: Emeryville, California, USA
Famous Cartoons: Toy Story, Monster Inc., Wall-E, Up, Finding Nemo, etc.
Website: https://www.pixar.com/