Pixiv, a renowned platform in the world of manga and illustration, is a go-to destination for fans of raw BL (Yaoi) manga. Developed by Takahiro Kamitani and released in September 2007, Pixiv has gained immense popularity among manga enthusiasts.
As one of the best sites to read raw BL manga, Pixiv showcases a vast collection of top-rated BL titles that captivate readers with their compelling narratives and captivating artwork. From heartwarming romances to intense dramas, Pixiv offers a diverse range of BL manga genres to cater to different preferences.
What sets Pixiv apart is its strong community of artists and fans who actively engage with the platform. This interaction creates a vibrant and supportive environment for creators and readers alike. The platform's user-friendly interface and robust search system make it easy for visitors to discover and explore their favorite BL manga.
With millions of visitors per month, Pixiv has become a global hub for manga enthusiasts, fostering creativity and providing a platform for artists to showcase their talent. Its immense popularity and continuous growth have solidified its position as one of the leading sites for raw BL manga.
Founded: September 2007
Founder: Takahiro Kamitani
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Official Website: https://www.pixiv.net/en/