Plant a tree
Plant a tree is a common pastime among children! Despite the fact that it's a little hot right now, you can still get engaged. It's a lot of fun to grow plants, and it's even more fun to watch them develop and bloom right before their eyes. Small trees, herbs, and veggies are just a few examples of what a young child can effectively grow. This is one of the activities for children.
If you don't have a garden, a window box or a few tiny pots are the finest options, and you can plant them at any time of year. Consider growing edible herbs like basil, parsley, or cress for them to devour once they are mature.
They will discover the names of new plants, their qualities, and how to care a tree while planting trees, developing patience and cherishing tiny things. Spending time in the garden, caring for plants, and growing their own food can assist children in learning new skills, having fun, playing, and gaining confidence. Most children enjoy being outside, digging in the soil, getting dirty, making things, and watching plants develop. This is a fantastic idea because you can visit the tree frequently to observe how it grows, and who knows, maybe your grandchildren may climb and play in it one day. It is also one of the best toddler activities for teaching environmental concepts.