Player FM
Player FM, sometimes known as PlayerFM, is a podcast finding and cataloging service that lists podcasts broadcast on various podcast publishing platforms. Michael Mahemoff, a software designer, invented it in 2011. In May 2020, Maple Media, a mobile media business, paid an unknown sum for the service. You can select a podcast that targets English language learners if you have a smartphone, but if you have decent listening abilities, you can choose a podcast from the thousands available on the web.
There is a wide range of podcasts available for English language learners. Some are intended for beginners, while others are intended for more advanced students. Attending an English language lesson may be comparable to listening to podcasts in this area. The purpose of the podcast is frequently for you to learn something about the English language, such as new phrasal verbs, how to apply a grammar rule, crucial steps for developing reading abilities, and much more. All of this while walking your dog, cooking supper, rocking your child to sleep, commuting to work, and much more. Podcasts are an excellent tool for kids to enhance their listening skills while on the go. If you've never heard of them, they're audio files that you can stream or download from the internet to your smartphone or computer. They usually come in a series.