Port of Houston
The Port of Houston is one of the largest ports in the world serving the metropolitan area of Houston, Texas. The Port of Houston is the busiest in America. The 50-mile-long port has over 200 public and private terminals. The largest port in the Gulf Coast, the Houston Port handles 52 percent of project cargo among ports in the region. One of its current focus areas is the NeoPanamax expansion.
Port of Houston is a cooperative of more than 150 private companies located along Buffalo and Galveston Bay with the Port Authority, which operates major terminals along the Houston Shipping Canal. Many oil companies have built refineries along the canals, where they are partially protected from the threat of severe storms in the Gulf of Mexico. The petrochemical complex associated with the Port of Houston is one of the largest in the world.
Location: Houston (Texas, USA)
TEUs: 1.6 million
Manager & Operator: the Port of Houston Authority
Locode: USHOU
Website: http://www.portofhouston.com/