Practicing with simple dish
When you're ready to get started with your sous vide, start with easy, straightforward recipes. Individual steaks, big pieces of pork, chicken breasts, and filets of fish like cod or salmon are suitable beginning points for becoming acclimated to the mechanism with a small learning curve and nevertheless amazing outcomes. There are several sous vide recipes for delicate, leafy greens, but they require more expertise. Instead, start with bigger, thicker root veggies like carrots or asparagus and dense carbohydrates like potatoes or squash.
You can eventually try to prepare some greens. Sous vide is the best cooking method for vegetables, so while they may be more difficult to prepare than proteins, they are something to strive for as you learn how to utilize the water bath for more than just proteins. As a result, the trick is to start easy; start with items you've prepared previously. With a little effort, you'll be able to take on unusual and complex recipes and uses.