Prada is one of the 10 most famous luxury handbag brands in the world. This is an Italian fashion brand specializing in high-end product lines such as perfumes, shoes, fashion accessories, etc. Prada was founded by Mario Prada in 1913. To this day, Prada has always been a fashion brand, one of the most sought-after luxury brands, not only for their handbags, but also for the stylish clothes, fragrances and amazing apparel they launch. The characteristic of this fashion house is luxurious and noble design combined with contemporary artistic ideas.
What makes their items so highly regarded is the uniqueness of their design and when you see a Prada signature you can be sure that the material chosen is always top-notch. Thanks to its individual designs, craftsmanship and sophisticated engineering, Prada quickly gained a foothold in the European aristocracy and bourgeoisie from the day it was founded. Through many ups and downs, this brand has firmly established itself in the fashion world. Currently, the CEO of Prada Group, Patrizio Bertelli, owns a huge fortune of $6 billion and is considered one of the richest billionaires in the fashion industry.
Detailed information:
Instagram: @prada