"Prisoners" is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that delves into the dark and haunting depths of the human psyche. The story revolves around Keller Dover, a devout and protective father, whose life takes a nightmarish turn when his six-year-old daughter, Anna, goes missing along with her friend, Joy Birch.
As the search for the missing girls intensifies, Detective Loki, a relentless and skilled investigator, takes charge of the case. Despite their efforts, the trail goes cold, and desperation begins to consume Keller.
Frustrated with the lack of progress, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Driven by his overwhelming fear for his daughter's safety, Keller kidnaps Alex Jones, a mentally challenged young man who was seen in the vicinity of the girls on the day they disappeared. Convinced of Alex's involvement, Keller resorts to extreme measures to extract information, crossing ethical and legal boundaries in his relentless pursuit of the truth.
With its taut storytelling, nuanced performances by Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, and masterful direction by Denis Villeneuve, "Prisoners" immerses viewers in a world of uncertainty and suspense, challenging them to confront their own moral dilemmas and question the price of justice. It serves as a chilling reminder that sometimes the line between right and wrong becomes blurred, and the true cost of vengeance is revealed.
Release: 2013
Stars: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 81%