Probiotic yogurt

Yogurt is frequently much easier to digest for people who are lactose intolerant than milk. This is because most yogurts include living bacteria that can help in the breakdown of lactose, reducing the amount of lactose your body must absorb on its own.
For instance, one of the research included in a review of articles published in 2014 on lactose digestion revealed that when lactose intolerant people ate yogurt, their digestive systems retained 60% less undigested lactose than when they drank the same quantity of milk. The same study claims that yogurt has fewer side effects than milk, with just 20% of patients experiencing digestive issues after eating yogurt as compared to 80% who experienced so after drinking milk. The best yogurts to buy are those that are marked "probiotic," indicating that they include living cultures of beneficial bacteria. Pasteurized yogurts may not be as well tolerated because the bacteria are killed during the pasteurization process.