In the fields of molecular diagnostics, applied testing, academic research, and pharmaceutical discovery, QIAGEN is unrivaled as a source of sample and assay technologies. In the fields of Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare) and Life Sciences (academic, pharmaceutical R&D, and industrial applications, especially forensics), QIAGEN has over 500,000 customers across the world. There are almost 35 locations spread throughout 25 different nations. The QIAGEN group's international headquarters, QIAGEN N.V., is located in the Dutch city of Venlo. Regional headquarters serve Europe and the Americas from Hilden, Germany; North America from Germantown, Maryland; and Asia from Shanghai, China.
Sample to Insight solutions are what we at QIAGEN are all about; they are the tools and services we offer to help our customers gain valuable insights from any biological sample, be it for basic research or clinical healthcare. Customers from all over the world will benefit from the kits, which may be used for anything from a single, crucial step to an entire laboratory process. Its goal of making life better is an inspiring one that reflects its ambition.
QIAGEN's dedication to the markets, clients, and patients it serves is what propels it to the forefront of innovation and leadership across all industries that require Sample to Insight solutions. However, the company's success and reputation rest on the exceptional talent, skill, and enthusiasm of its employees. Both are contributing to the growth and success of the molecular biology revolution.
Founded: 1984
Headquarters: Hilden, Germany
Website: https://www.qiagen.com/