Quanzhi Fashi
The anime series Quanzhi Fashi, sometimes referred to as "Full-Time Magister" or "Versatile Mage," is based on the Chinese web book by Chaos. From July 2016 until September 2019, Shanghai Foch Film Culture Investment's anime adaption aired in China. The narrative centers on Mo Fan, a gifted teenage magician who dwells in a magical and fantastical world. Mo Fan is first regarded as a "mediocre" magician, but he eventually realizes his actual potential after acquiring a powerful and rare magic ingredient known as "Dual Cultivation." With this newfound power, he sets out on a quest to enhance his magic skills and defend his city from several dangers, such as frightening monsters and other magicians.
In Quanzhi Fashi, fantasy, action, and adventure are all combined. The show focuses on Mo Fan's development as a magician, his friendships and alliances, and his will to succeed in overcoming obstacles and defending people who matter to him. It has vividly conceived worlds, rare magical creatures, and fierce magical conflicts.
Quanzhi Fashi has become well-known for its captivating plot, exciting action scenes, and use of Chinese elements in the fantasy genre. In addition to examining themes of power, friendship, and sacrifice, it presents a lively magical universe. Despite having its roots in a Chinese web book, Quanzhi Fashi has gained more recognition abroad thanks to the anime adaptation.
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Magic, School
Director: Various directors throughout the series
Seasons: Multiple seasons
Episodes: Varies depending on the season
Episode Duration: Approximately 20 minutes per episode
Watch here: https://shorturl.at/mFWY7