Queen of Poison: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess
"Queen of Poison: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor, and Princess" is a captivating manhua tale centered on Mu Dan Feng, a remarkable special agent possessing unparalleled expertise in medicine and toxins. This narrative unfolds the intriguing persona of Mu Dan Feng, characterized by a unique blend of angelic sweetness and cunning determination. As a half-angel, half-devil figure, she embodies both endearing charm and resolute cleverness.
The storyline delves into Mu Dan Feng's temporal journey, wherein she inhabits the body of an orphaned girl, presenting a fascinating opportunity to reshape historical events. Her travels through time are intertwined with her endeavor to rewrite the course of history, all while navigating the complexities of her dual nature.
Through this manhua series, readers are immersed in a world where Mu Dan Feng's multifaceted character, combining her medical prowess with a strategic mind, leads to gripping adventures and the potential to alter the fabric of time itself. The narrative weaves together elements of suspense, intelligence, and the enigmatic allure of a protagonist destined to leave an indelible mark on the realms she traverses.
Author(s): Han Tai Culture
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 463
Reading link: http://tinyurl.com/4sk5hm9a