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Quick Reference for Otolaryngology

Kim Scott, FNP, MSN, AE-C, is a nurse practitioner at Eastern Virginia Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists in Chesapeake, Virginia. Richard F. Debo, MD, FACS, is an Associate Otolaryngologist at Eastern Virginia Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist in Chesapeake, VA. He also serves as an Instructor of Surgery at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Associate Otolaryngologist and Associate Professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Alan Keyes, MD, FACS, practices at Eastern Virginia Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist in Chesapeake, Virginia. In the Naval Hospital Jacksonville in Florida, David Leonard, MD, FACS, FAAOHNS, held the positions of Director Surgical, Chairman of the Credentials Subcommittee, Vice-Chairman Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, and Head of the Otolaryngology Department. In the Naval Hospital Jacksonville in Florida, David Leonard, MD, FACS, FAAOHNS, held the positions of director of surgical services, chairman of the credentials subcommittee, vice-chairman of the executive committee of the medical staff, and head of the otolaryngology department.

It's simple to search for specific disorders in this quick reference book to ear, nose, and throat issues. Quick Reference for Otolaryngology deconstructs each branch of the otolaryngology specialty so that readers can quickly locate the bodily system they are interested in. Also, readers may rapidly search a page for the information they require thanks to the outline design.

Quick Reference for Otolaryngology is the only book of its sort for working clinicians. Written primarily for nurses, physician assistants, and medical students, Otolaryngology is a thorough, quick-access reference. It serves as a concise reference manual for doctors as well as a learning approach that promotes retention and comprehension. It also serves as an in-depth review for written exams and ENT certification. Two working otolaryngologists who are among the most well-known experts in their areas served as advisers for the book's author, a nurse practitioner.

The handbook is uniformly divided into anatomical regions and includes simple-to-understand tables, charts, illustrations, and algorithms for each issue to aid in the work-up, differential diagnosis, diagnostic techniques, medical therapy, and alternative treatments. The publication provides staging guidelines for common cancer diagnoses as well as procedure procedures utilized in clinical settings. The guide's description of surgical treatment for particular illnesses is another crucial component. The "need-to-know" subjects are covered in preparation for written exams and certification reviews.

Author: Kim Scott MSN FNP AE-C, Richard Debo MD FACS, Alan Keyes MD FACS and David W. Leonard MD FACS FAAOHNS

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Ratings: 4.8 out of 5 stars (from 36 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #248,402 in Books

#19 in Otolaryngology (Books)

#109 in Nursing Assessment & Diagnosis (Books)

#118 in General Surgery

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