Ragnarok: The Animation
In the sprawling world of "Ragnarok: The Animation," viewers are transported to the mythic realm of Midgard, where humans and diverse creatures from various mythologies clash in an epic struggle for supremacy. Inspired by the immensely successful MMORPG, Ragnarok Online, this grand and sweeping tale follows Roan and his steadfast companions as they confront the encroaching forces of darkness threatening their beloved land.
The anime adaptation of "Ragnarok: The Animation" truly captures the grandeur and excitement of the original game, providing a thrilling watch for fans and newcomers alike. Through stunning animation and exhilarating battle sequences, viewers are immersed in the rich tapestry of Midgard, where the clash of swords and the unleashing of fantastical powers reverberate throughout the land.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Author: Hideki Mitsui, Lee Myung-jin
Illustrator: Hideki Mitsui, Lee Myung-jin
Status: Completed
Watch here: https://9animetv.to/watch/ragnarok-the-animation-5898?ep=42944