Rainbow Lorikeet
Australia is home to the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus), a species of parrot. The eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia, is characterized by its prevalence. Its habitat is rainforest, coastal bush, and woodland areas. Previously classified as subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet, six taxa are now considered distinct species.
The rainbow lorikeet is a medium-sized parrot that weighs between 75 and 157 g and measures between 25 and 30 cm long, including the tail. As with all subspecies, the nominate race has extremely vivid and colorful plumage. The upper body, including the wings, back, and tail, are all green, with the head being a deep blue color with a greenish-yellow nuchal collar. It has an orange-yellow chest. The thighs and rump are green, while the belly has a deep blue color. A yellow wing bar and the red underwing coverts stand out sharply in flight. The visual differences between the sexes are minimal. A black beak is present in juveniles; it gradually turns orange in adults.