RAKUTEN is a technology and e-commerce company founded by Hiroshi Mikitani in 1997 with its headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan. RAKUTEN is currently the largest online shopping site in Japan and the world. RAKUTEN stands at the top of strong competitors with Amazon, eBay,...
RAKUTEN products come from exclusive Japanese brands, fashion stores, consumers, manufacturers, electronics, and high-quality cosmetic offices. You can easily choose products when you go to the website and capture the information that the seller posts such as quality, style, size, and price. RAKUTEN also has an international website that includes Japanese stores willing to ship their products outside of Japan. Although the international site is not as large as the Japanese site, you can easily learn about fashion products from Japanese brands when you are in other countries. In particular, on the top of the page, RAKUTEN always has an attractive "super sale" program that attracts both retail and corporate customers.
Founded : 1997
Headquarters : Tokyo, Japan
Website : https://www.rakuten.co.jp/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rakuten/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rakuten/?hl=fr
Twitter : https://twitter.com/RakutenJP