Rascal Does Not Dream
Rascal Does Not Dream, written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keeji Mizoguchi, is one of the most acclaimed light novel series in recent years. Sakuta Azusagawa, a high school student, sees numerous girls suffering from a mystery ailment known as "puberty syndrome" throughout the series. While attempting to assist them, he has a difficult relationship with Mai Sakurajima, a famous actress who is his senior in high school.
Andrew Grace narrates the Rascal Does Not Dream audiobooks, and he does a wonderful job of bringing the characters and the narrative to life. He catches Sakuta's funny and sarcastic voice, as well as the many characters and feelings of the girls he meets. He also fluidly changes between English and Japanese terms, contributing to the audiobooks' authenticity and appeal.
The story delivery is engaging and immersive, as the audiobooks follow the original light novels closely and include all the important details and dialogues. The audiobooks also feature sound effects and music that enhance the mood and atmosphere of each scene. The listeners can feel the tension, humor, romance, and mystery that the series offers.
Genre: Psychological Supernatural
Author: Kamoshida Hajime
Narrated by: Andrew Grace
Website: https://www.audible.com/series/Rascal-Does-Not-Dream-Series-Audiobooks/B0B1QT475H