Red Sea Crossing
Red Sea Crossing must be mentioned when discussing big money for rare games. The much more well-known game Frogger served as a significant inspiration for the Atari 2600 game. You assist your little character in moving from place to place while avoiding dangerous hazards. However, in this instance, Moses is playing as you, and the game is a sidescroller. A copy of the game brought $10,400 at auction in 2012.
In 1983, a freelance programmer created Red Sea Crossing; reportedly, just 100 copies were ever produced. Only two of those are believed to still be alive. The majority of the gaming community had no idea the game even existed until 2007. The man who found it that year discovered it at a yard sale.
After some investigation, a few vintage magazine advertisements for the game were discovered, which mentioned that it came with an audiotape and a coloring book. On eBay, a different copy of the game was once sold for $14,000. Nobody has yet discovered a copy that comes with the book and tape.