Red-Vented Cockatoo
The Red-Vented Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia), also known as the Philippine cockatoo and locally katala, abukay, agay, or kalangay, is a critically endangered species of cockatoo that is endemic to the Philippines though pressured by various environmental degradation and illegal pet trades, the population of the Philippine cockatoo is somehow growing owing to Katala Organization. It is roughly the size and shape of the Tanimbar corella but is easily distinguished by the red feathers around the vent. It is threatened by habitat loss and the cage-bird trade.
White undertail coverts with red tips, a yellowish undertail, and pale yellow underwings make up the entire plumage. Its length is 12 inches (30 cm) and its wingspan is 8.6 inches (22 cm). It makes a characteristic bleating call, as well as screeching or whistling noises that are common to most cockatoos. It is quieter than most cockatoos and much quieter than the umbrella cockatoo or Moluccan cockatoo.