Relaxing Countryside
There is no better spot than France's scenic countryside if you want to get away from the bustle of the city. There is a little bit of everything to be found, including huge sandy beaches, wild, powerful rivers, towering mountains, rolling green hills covered in vines, volcanoes, gorges, and even pink salt plains. To be clear, villages often make up more than 80% of France. They provide a high level of serenity and tranquility that makes it easier for you to put your troubles aside so you can spend time socializing with the locals and savoring each moment by imprinting the gorgeous scenery in your mind.
This is the region of France that most visitors like to see, excluding Paris. Choose from a stunningly varied range of landscapes, such as the dramatic volcanoes of the Massif Central, the lavender meadows of Provence, the dizzying heights of the Alps, and the tranquil lakes of the Limousin.
According to Arino of Protourisme, people from the UK are particularly fond of the countryside in France because they have a romanticized idea of French rural life. The calm "France profonde" is a welcome contrast to the bustling towns and cities where many Brits reside, and this difference is appreciated by the British.