Liechtenstein's official national religion is Roman Catholicism, which is practiced by 75.9% of the country's people. The Roman Catholic Church was designated as the official state church and is fully protected by the government in accordance with Lichtenstein's constitution. Construction on the Vaduz Archdiocese began in 1997. The teachings of the Roman Catholic Church hold that there is only one authentic church, founded by Jesus Christ, and that church authorities are the descendants of His apostles.
According to the church, there is only one God who manifests Himself in three different ways: as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The three states of God are referred to as the Holy Trinity. The Roman Catholic Church holds Mary, Jesus' mother, in the highest regard and regards her as the Mother of God. She is revered as the mother of the church and as an intercessor. Once a person commits themselves to the church, the Roman Catholic Church introduces them to the faith.