"Remina" is a manga written and illustrated by renowned Japanese horror manga artist Junji Ito. The manga was serialized in "Big Comic Superior" magazine from 2005 to 2006 and was later published in a collected volume.
The story of "Remina" is a cosmic horror tale that follows the character of Dr. Oguro, an astrophysicist who discovers a mysterious planet in the sky, and his daughter, Remina, a young and talented idol. The planet, initially named "Remina" after the girl, is headed straight toward Earth, causing panic and chaos among the population. However, the situation takes a sinister turn when people begin to believe that Remina herself is responsible for the planet's approach and destruction.
As the world descends into madness and chaos, "Remina" explores themes of mass hysteria, mob mentality, and the fear of the unknown. It is a chilling and thought-provoking tale that delves into the darkest aspects of human nature and the consequences of irrational fear.
Junji Ito's artwork is known for its intricate and grotesque imagery, and "Remina" is no exception. The manga's disturbing and surreal illustrations contribute to the sense of dread and unease that permeates the story.
"Remina" has been well-received for its unique blend of science fiction and horror, offering readers a disturbing and thought-provoking experience. It is considered a standout work in Junji Ito's extensive portfolio of horror manga, showcasing his ability to create deeply unsettling narratives that linger in the reader's mind long after the story concludes.
Author: Junji Ito
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Status: Completed
Chapters: 6 chapters
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