Reykjavik Winter Lights Festival

The Winter Lights Festival honors both winters and the return of daylight after the darkest days of the year have passed. Many people are drawn to this lovely event, in which all of the city's buildings and facades are illuminated to commemorate the return of daylight to the country. For the Icelandic people, this is a very important celebration that lasts for days and includes events such as Museum Night and Pool Night. The country's museums open their doors to the public for free so that they can participate in a variety of cultural events. On Pool Night, guests are offered a complimentary pass to use the geothermal hot pools.

One of the most famous festivals in Iceland, the Winter Lights Festival, of course, is an annual event that brings life to the city during the winter months. The Festival honors the winter landscape as well as the return of light after a lengthy time of darkness. Art and business, the environment and history, sports and culture are all represented in the program. The festival provides entertainment for both locals and visitors to Reykjavik.

Date: February

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest
Source: All Things Iceland

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