Ridge-Faced Flower Spider
Also known as the White-Banded Crab Spider, the Ridge-Faced Flower Spider belongs to the crab spider family Thomisidae. The most likely place to find one of these spiders in Illinois is resting on a flower's leaves or petals. Male and female ridge-faced flower spiders are roughly 2-3 millimeters long, with females often measuring 5 to 11 millimeters. They often have yellowish-green carapaces with purplish-brown sides and a yellow mid band. Their abdomens are often all bright yellow, although they occasionally have a purplish-brown, V-shaped pattern. The little white or yellow ridge beneath their eyes is where they receive their name.
The color of ridge-faced flower spiders can be altered to blend in with their surroundings. This makes it easier for them to hunt because they can catch animals without using webs by simply waiting and waiting. Their diminutive size prevents their bite from typically being able to penetrate human skin.