Rijal Almaa
Rijal Almaa is a village in the Rijal Almaa province of Saudi Arabia's Asir Region. It's roughly 50 kilometers west of Abha in Saudi Arabia's southwest. The village dates back over 900 years. Rijal Almaa is made up of around 60 multi-story structures composed of stone, clay, and wood. The town is historically significant due to the presence of several long and old strongholds. The village is open to visitors and may be reached via Sawda Center, Aqabat Sama, Muhayil Asir, and Hobail.
Rijal Almaa is known as the Gingerbread Village, sits deep within lush, verdant surroundings, and has long been a draw for visitors seeking rich culture and history. The Flowerman Festival, held in August, is a celebration of the Qahtan tribe, which is well recognized for the vivid clothes and floral crowns worn by males and celebrated by the majority of the residents.
The village features a number of structures with multiple stories, some of which reach up to eight, that are formed of stone and have colored wooden windows. They also include inscriptions found on the inside walls of rooms. The technique used in these inscriptions is known as "Al-Qatt art", in which village women usually place harmonizing shapes and colors. There are several wooden seats and prepared mats in the exterior courtyards of the houses, as well as green, white, yellow, and red shapes on the windows and wooden doors.
Location: Rijal Almaa province, Asir Region, Saudi Arabia
Entrance fee: SAR 20
Best time to visit: N/A
Hours: 07:00 am- 20:00 pm