Rome’s All-White Aesthetic

We know very little about what life was really like in the old Roman Empire, as with every other ancient empire. However, we do know that everything was white. The idea that everything in ancient Rome was white in hue still appears in many areas, from movies to costume parties to commercials.
Like every other empire from that time, life in Rome wasn't all white. Roman cities had a wide variety of ethnic groups living there, representing many distinct civilizations. Along with homes decorated in various wall paints, murals, and other brilliant artwork, a typical Roman market would feature as many hues and colors as a modern market.
The color of the statues discovered from that era is likely where the myth originated. The majority of Roman sculptures and statues were either buried or left outside after the Roman empire fell. As a result, by the time they were rediscovered and imitated by artists during the Renaissance era, nearly all of them had turned white.