Rotavirus Vaccine (Given at Two Months)
RotaTeq, a rotavirus vaccination, protects your child against rotavirus, a bug that causes a terrible stomach sickness. This virus strain may make youngsters sicker than other strains that cause stomach flu. Rotavirus is highly contagious and, as a result, prevalent in young children. Between November and May, your child is most likely to become ill, especially if he hasn't received the vaccine and is often exposed to a large number of other children through daycare or playgroups. Babies should take this oral vaccine (no shots) in three doses, once at 2 months (the first dose must be received before 12 weeks), once at 4 months, and once at 6 months. All three doses must be finished before your infant reaches the age of seven months.
This vaccine can be administered concurrently with others. The rotavirus vaccine has a few minor adverse effects. Babies are somewhat more likely to suffer moderate, transient diarrhea or vomiting within a week of receiving a dosage.