"Roxana" is an intriguing manhwa that delves into themes of kidnapping, murder, and complex relationships within the scandalous world of The Abysmal Flower. The plot revolves around Roxana Agrece, whose criminal family's downfall has been prophesied.
When Roxana's father kidnaps her older brother, Cassis Pedelian, the story's heroine faces a pivotal decision: whether to await her revenge or take action to ensure her and Cassis's survival. With treacherous characters surrounding them, the siblings must navigate a web of deceit and question their trust in each other as they strive to bring down the brutal Agreces. This captivating tale unfolds through a series of episodes, providing readers with a riveting narrative filled with suspense, emotion, and drama.
- Authors: Juniljus, BAEK JI-YEON, Kin / Yeondam
- Genres: Romance, Fantasy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 41
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