Russia maintains the highest number of nuclear weapons

There are thought to be 13,080 nuclear weapons in existence right now. Although this number is far lower than either the United States or Russia had at the height of the Cold War, it is noteworthy that there are now more nuclear-armed nations than there were 30–40 years ago. Because of this, nuclear conflict is a serious matter, and nuclear assault threats must be considered seriously.

The quantity of nuclear weapons in each country's arsenal varies according to reports, although it is generally agreed that Russia and the United States have the largest arsenals. Business Insider claims that Russia possesses a nuclear arsenal of 6,850 warheads (1,600 deployed, 2,750 stored and 2,500 retired). Contrarily, the United States possesses 6,450 nuclear weapons in its stockpile (1,750 deployed, 2,050 stored and 2,650 retired).

According to Statista, as of January 2022, Russia has 5,997 nuclear weapons in its arsenal while the United States had 5,428. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates that Russia's nuclear arsenal consists of 4,477 warheads in total. In contrast, the United States possesses around 3,708 warheads.


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