Saitama–One-Punch Man
The main character of the anime series One-Punch Man is Saitama. He is an unrelated hero from Z-City who does heroic things as a hobby.
Saitama, with his detached and carefree personality, is the "one-punch man" who can destroy any villain with a single hit. The only problem is that this leaves Saitama with no life challenges, resulting in a typical sense of ennui with everything around him. Saitama is experiencing a self-imposed existential crisis, since he is suddenly too powerful to enjoy battle.
When he realizes that no one acknowledges him as a hero, Saitama registers to be a professional hero for the Hero Association and defends his home in Z-City from monsters, villains, and other threats. He has the hero moniker Caped Baldy and is currently A-Class Rank 39 in the Hero Association. Saitama is the type of guy who is a hero for the sake of being a hero, which immediately distinguishes him. He's the moral compass of his series, converting characters to his point of view by living true to his beliefs.