The story centers around Evelyn Salt, a CIA officer imprisoned in North Korea under suspicion of being a U.S. spy. In response to the attention drawn by her boyfriend, arachnologist Mike Krause, the CIA arranges a prisoner exchange.
Two years later, Salt interrogates a Russian defector, Orlov, who reveals a plan involving Russian sleeper agents known as "KAs." Orlov claims that Salt is "KA-12," the agent assigned to assassinate Russian President Boris Matveyev. Peabody, a CIA counterintelligence officer, orders Salt's detainment, but she escapes while trying to contact Mike. Salt embarks on a journey to her home, evading the pursuing CIA and police, armed with supplies and a spider in a jar.
"Salt" is an action-packed espionage thriller that challenges traditional notions of allegiance, blurring the lines between hero and villain to leave us questioning the true motivations of the protagonist, Evelyn Salt. As more plot twists unfold, "Salt" reveals more complexities of being a spy and the psychological toll it takes on individuals involved in covert operations.
Release: 2010
Stars: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 62%