Samadhi is enlightenment. Samadhi is a joyful and serene state of mind in which the practitioner is no longer able to see or identify a separate sense of self from the process of meditation. Samadhi is unaffected by emotions like desire and rage because it has freed the self from ego and the illusion of separation. As a result, samadhi brings practitioners closer to their real Self while also uniting them with universal consciousness.
The journey of the eight limbs of yoga is meant to take us from doing-ness to being-ness. Once we have mastered all the former steps in the sutras, we are able to accomplish the most important facet of life that propels our spiritual journey forward: the ability to stay in the present moment indefinitely. This does not mean that yogis are meant to stay stagnant. However, yogis who have reached samadhi are detached from the past and future. When they perform an action, they do not dwell on the outcome. All is done with love, and all is done with full presence.