Sandwich, located on Cape Cod's northern shore, does not necessitate the long drive or ferry ride required by many of the other towns. Its beaches are known for their safe waters because they are nestled deep within Cape Cod Bay. Beautifully preserved centuries-old homes demonstrate the current owners' tender care. In the Village Center, a working gristmill stands next to one of the oldest Town Halls in the United States. As you travel out of town, scenic back roads take you to cranberry bogs, salt marshes, and breathtaking views of Cape Cod Bay.
Sandwich was a major center for glassmakers during the nineteenth century, and those interested in local history can visit the Sandwich Glass Museum, which houses thousands of examples of authentic Sandwich Glass, as well as exhibits about the craft and live demonstrations. Visitors can also see demonstrations at the Dexter Grist Mill before purchasing a bag of stone-ground flour. Sandwich is also home to the Heritage Museums and Gardens, a unique collection of museums dedicated to Americana. The buildings are surrounded by 100 acres of gardens and are linked by walking paths, allowing visitors to enjoy the flowers, particularly the hydrangeas and rhododendrons, as well as an interactive play area for children. Among the museums are an art museum with Native American and colonial folk art, an automobile museum with classic cars, and others.