Schlage is an American locksmith founded in 1920 by Walter Schlage. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco. Schlage is one of the most popular brands for its customers and manufactures low to mid-security residential and commercial equipment. The company mainly manufactures flip-top locks such as the Primus, Everest and Obverse product lines.
Schlage, like most other lock manufacturers, has gone through mergers and acquisitions. For more than 30 years, beginning in 1974, the company was a subsidiary of Ingersoll Rand. In 2013, Schlage became a subsidiary of Allegion, the most well-known security brand in the United States. Schlage also manufactures electronic keyless entry locks, keypad locks, key blanks and related hardware such as door handles, levers and handle sets.
Country: US
Revenue: Over $500 million