Schwarzkopf received many awards for his services

General Schwarzkopf has held a variety of different command and staff positions across the Pacific, Europe, and the United States. Throughout his years of service, he oversaw Army troops at all levels, from platoon to corps. Norman Schwarzkopf received numerous honors during his lifetime is an interesting fact about Norman Schwarzkopf. He was awarded four stars while serving in the military and various more honors both during and after his military career.

An honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II of England was one of his most outstanding achievements, especially for an American general.

His guiding principles were duty, honor, and nation. Rarely in history has one person been given the talent, charm, moral authority, and intelligence to win the adoration, respect, and affection of an entire nation. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who oversaw the Allied Forces in the Persian Gulf War, is one such person. A harsh yet sympathetic General who won the devotion of his soldiers by being a "muddy-boots soldier" lies beneath the decorations and swagger. He received numerous accolades throughout the course of his 35 years of military service, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, two Purple Hearts, three Silver Stars, and three Bronze Stars.

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