Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower spine to the foot, is the longest nerve in the human body. It has been found that carrying a smartphone in the back pocket of your pants puts unnatural strain on the sciatic nerve, similar to the pressure that heavy smartphone use puts on the ulnar nerve but more directly.
If you're wondering why smartphones would cause this problem instead of, example, a tool belt or a gun belt, you should know that those do, too. Moving the problematic equipment to the front appears to be a universally applicable, straightforward solution. Don't worry if you're concerned that your front-pocket smartphone can endanger your sperm.
The University of Utah Health Hospitals and Clinics reported in 2014 that the use of mobile devices had a maximum 8% impact on sperm counts, more than enough healthy sperm to make the trade-off worth it to prevent sciatic nerve issues.