Scissor Seven
"Scissor Seven" is a highly acclaimed Donghua (Chinese Anime) that has gained popularity for its unique storytelling and an overpowered main character. Developed by Hairun Pictures, the series was released on April 25, 2018, and has garnered a dedicated fanbase.
The plot centers around Seven, a hairdresser and assassin with a secret identity. Despite his seemingly ordinary profession, Seven possesses incredible combat skills, using his trusty pair of scissors as deadly weapons. With a mysterious past and a desire for redemption, Seven takes on various assassination missions, encountering quirky characters and unexpected challenges along the way.
"Scissor Seven" became famous for its distinctive blend of action, comedy, and suspense. The series stands out for its clever humor, visually appealing animation, and intriguing plot twists. The characters in the series, including Seven himself, the enigmatic Mr. Kong, and other memorable individuals, contribute to its popularity, each bringing their own charm and depth to the narrative.
Release date: April 25, 2018
Developed by: Hairun Pictures
Number of episodes: 24
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