Scissor Seven
"Scissor Seven" is an exceptional Donghua (Chinese Anime) that has gained widespread acclaim for its unique style and engaging storyline. Developed by He Xiaofeng and released in 2018, this animated series stands out for its distinctive art style and comedic elements.
The plot of "Scissor Seven" follows the adventures of Seven, a hairdresser by day and a professional assassin by night. Armed with a pair of hairdressing scissors, Seven takes on various assassination missions while facing unexpected challenges and encounters along the way. As the story progresses, Seven's true identity and past are gradually unveiled, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative.
The series has garnered fame for its clever blend of action, humor, and compelling storytelling. The dynamic animation and stylistic visuals contribute to its appeal, creating a visually stunning and immersive experience for viewers. The characters in "Scissor Seven" are also noteworthy, with Seven himself capturing the audience's heart through his humorous antics and unexpected heroism.
Release date: 2018
Developed by: He Xiaofeng
Number of episodes: 24
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