Self-Rising Flour

Self-rising flour is a mixture of all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder, giving baked products everything they need to rise. Self-rising flour could be a good substitute if you're out of both baking soda and baking powder.

Because self-rising flour already includes the leavening agents required for fast bread like banana or pumpkin bread, you may omit the additional leavening ingredients (such as baking soda and baking powder) in the recipe. Replace the regular flour in your recipe with self-rising flour, then continue with the other steps as directed. Avoid using self-rising flours in sourdough recipes or other yeast bread that depend on natural fermentation to rise.

Self-Rising Flour
Self-Rising Flour

Top 10 Best Substitutes for Baking Powder

  1. top 1 Buttermilk
  2. top 2 Plain Yogurt
  3. top 3 Molasses
  4. top 4 Cream of Tartar
  5. top 5 Sour Milk
  6. top 6 Vinegar
  7. top 7 Lemon Juice
  8. top 8 Club Soda
  9. top 9 Self-Rising Flour
  10. top 10 Whipped Egg Whites

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