Seven Days
A well-known BL (Boys' Love) manga called "Seven Days" has captured readers' attention with its original and endearing plot. In this manga, which was written by Venio Tachibana and illustrated by Rihito Takarai, two high school students explore their unforeseen romance. The protagonists of the narrative are Yuzuru Shino and Seryou Touji. Every Monday, Seryou is known for accepting confessions from girls, only to dump them by the end of the week. Yuzuru is perplexed by this strange conduct and decides to test Seryou's "seven-day rule" by telling him how he feels.
Seryou accepts to go out with Yuzuru for a week, much to his astonishment. Yuzuru learns more about Seryou's true nature as the days go on and starts to feel real affections for him. However, there is a sense of urgency and emotional tension due to their relationship's impending deadline.
Characters in "Seven Days" stand out for being well-developed and having a range of emotions. A captivating and touching read is provided by the divergent personalities of Yuzuru and Seryou and their developing relationship. The manga covers issues like self-acceptance, the complexity of love, and self-discovery while also conveying the emotional rollercoaster of a brief romance.
The BL community has developed a devoted following for "Seven Days" thanks to its stunning artwork and compelling tale. It offers a distinctive perspective on the genre and gives readers a gratifying mix of romance, character growth, and emotional effect. "Seven Days" offers a charming and unforgettable voyage that examines the intricacies of adolescent love and the strength of sincere connections, whether you're a lifelong fan of BL manga or new to the genre.
Authors: Tachibana venio
Artists: Takarai rihito
Genres: Shounen ai, Drama, School Life, Slice of Life
Chapters: 13
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