Several Shark Species Can Walk on Land
Whether or not sharks have a bad image, most people may find comfort in the fact that they would leave you alone if you did the same for them. We reside on land, whereas they are seafarers. If we don't want to, we never have to run into each other. Then you learn that some sharks can move about on land.
A few number of fish species that can truly walk on land have been discovered by science. Four new walking shark species were discovered in 2020. And if you read a tale about them, it describes how they can walk on the ocean floor and hunt for prey that hides under coral and rocks by using their pectoral fins. They're walking, but not "land" walking, so that's good, right?
Of fact, the epaulette shark can walk on land, which is a skill that probably developed to help it live if it becomes trapped in a pool or in the shallows when the tide recedes. They are capable of spending up to an hour dry land.