Taking place during China's Three Kingdoms era, this grand cinematic endeavor directed by Zhang Yimou revolves around a formidable warrior known as The Commander (portrayed by Deng Chao), and his humble doppelgänger, a servant named Jing. As the kingdom of Pei teeters on the edge of war with a rival kingdom, The Commander devises a cunning strategy to deceive their adversaries by utilizing Jing as his "shadow."
Critics and audience expressed their appreciation for Shadow's unique approach to presenting the wuxia genre. It employes an inventive color palette that imparts the essence of Chinese ink painting, instead of turning to the conventional black-and-white scheme. The captivating watch is further enhanced by marvelous action choreography and breathtaking set-pieces set amidst the rain, making it one of the best martial art movies.
Release: 2018
Stars: Chao Deng, Li Sun, Ryan Zheng
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 94%