Sharks are apex predators that are notorious for consuming large amounts of food. They are natural marine predators. Some consume plankton, while others hunt bigger fish and land animals. They occasionally consume the sluggish sea stars that reside on the ocean floor.
Starfish are eaten by sharks that prowl close to the ocean's bottom. However, not all sharks consume sea stars. Some sharks, including the nurse, horn, and Port Jackson sharks, have been observed to eat starfish. All of these sharks have powerful enough jaws to break through the starfish's tough bony outer shell and consume the meat within. There isn't much meat there, though, and the majority of sharks prefer squid and other creatures with soft bodies since they are simpler to catch.
Sharks avoid eating starfish because they don't provide enough nourishment to meet their large nutritional needs, which is the main reason why sharks don't consume starfish. The sparse amounts of flesh in starfish's slender bodies are insufficient to satiate a large shark's appetite. As a result, you may usually find sharks chasing fish, squid, octopuses, and even smaller sharks. When they are without additional food, starfish are a part of their diet.