Sheep are most likely descended from wild mouflons of Europe and Asia, with Iran serving as a geographical boundary for the domestication center. Sheep are one of the first animals to be domesticated for agricultural purposes, and they are raised for their fleeces, meat, and milk. Sheep's wool is the most commonly used animal fiber and is typically harvested through shearing. In Commonwealth countries, ovine meat is referred to as lamb when it comes from younger animals and mutton when it comes from older animals, and lamb in the United States. Sheep are still raised for wool and meat and are occasionally raised for pelts, dairy animals, or as model organisms for science.
Sheep husbandry is practiced in the majority of the world's inhabited areas and has been central to many civilizations. In the modern era, sheep production is most closely associated with Australia, New Zealand, the southern and central South American nations, and the British Isles.
Sheep are one of the friendliest animals on the planet, but they can be shy. They assist farmers in a variety of ways, and we've compiled a list of reasons why we believe sheep are the friendliest animals on the planet. Sheep are also very cute, especially when they are so gentle.