Shidou Vs Rokkaku (Yozakura Quartet Tsuki Ni Naku)
In the realm of underrated action anime, Yozakura Quartet claims its place with an awe-inspiring climactic confrontation between Shidou and Rokkaku in "Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku." The narrative takes a gripping turn as our central characters find themselves absent, leaving Mina at the mercy of the renegade werewolf Yokai, Rokkaku.
In a race against time, Mina's guardian, a kindred werewolf Yokai, steps forward to thwart Rokkaku's malevolent plans before he can escape the town. What ensues is a riveting duel between two lycanthropic beings, unraveling against the backdrop of an entire city and the relentless pursuit of the entire police force. This particular hand-to-hand combat stands as a pinnacle in anime, not only due to its visceral action but also because of the poignant emotional undercurrents driving the narrative forward. Elevated by the stellar animation from Tatsunoko Productions, this showdown is an exemplary blend of storytelling gravitas and visual excellence.
Shidou vs Rokkaku Best Moments:
- Underrated action anime at its best
- The emotional weight of the entire arc falls on this fight
- Release Date: October 2, 2008
- Seasons: 4
- Studio: Nomad | Tatsunoko Productions
- Genres: Action , Supernatural
- Watch now: