Shonen Jump+
Shonen Jump+ is an esteemed platform for reading raw LGBT+ manga, offering a diverse selection of captivating content to manga enthusiasts. Developed by Shueisha Inc., the site was released in 2014 and has since gained a strong following for its high-quality LGBT+ manga titles.
Among the top LGBT+ manga available on Shonen Jump+ are "Whispering You a Love Song," a heartwarming story about two high school girls discovering their feelings for each other, "Pulse," a captivating tale of two women navigating their complicated relationship, and "Now Loading!," a delightful series following the romance between two video game developers. These manga series, along with others, highlight the depth and emotional resonance of LGBT+ storytelling on Shonen Jump+.
Shonen Jump+ has become famous for its reputation as a premier source of manga content, offering a seamless reading experience, regular updates, and a wide range of genres. The platform covers various categories, including romance, drama, comedy, and fantasy, ensuring there is a diverse selection to cater to LGBT+ manga enthusiasts.
Founded: 2014
Founder: Shueisha Inc.
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Official Website: